Honorable Mention for our Case Study paper @CHI16

Our case study paper “The Salome Experience: Opera Live Streaming and Beyond” just got a Honorable Mention at this year’s ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems! In our paper we presented the prototypical realization of innovative communication technology installations to close the gap between stage and audience in live opera streaming. Our case study took place in the framework of a dedicated live streaming transmission of the opera “Salome” by Richard Strauss during a symposium celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Internet in Austria. [Read More]

Publications and Talks

This exhaustive list documents most of my academic output in the past.

Publications 2020 I don’t know how to protect myself”: Understanding Privacy Perceptions Resulting from the Presence of Bystanders in Smart Environments Karola Marky, Alexandra Voit, Alina Stöver, Kai Kunze, Svenja Schröder, Max Mühlhäuser Proceedings of the 11th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Shaping Experiences, Shaping Society (2020) 2019 Mental Resources and Context in Mobile Interaction PhD Thesis (2019) Skin Impedance is a Reliable Parameter for Arousal Monitoring (Stress Monitoring) Manfred Bijak, Sebastian Brettlecker, Veronika Cap, Orissa Deubner, Kaspar Lebloch, Svenja Schröder [Read More]